Tuesday, March 27

yin yang abstract

I have always been drawn to the ying yang symbol. It was not until I had been a photographer for some time that I gained a greater understanding as to why the symbol held more intrigue than most. There is a lot of power in the interplay between any two forces, be it man or woman, black or white, hot and cold, good and evil.. it is only within the interaction of the two forces that begets drama, spirit, and life. The symbol captures and illustrates this idea very well, as does photography, especially black and white photography. We photographers train ourselves to see the constant contrast of dark and light surrounding us, and when the interplay becomes just perfect, we capture it. That is what I like about this image. The light girl surrounded by the dark carpet, surrounded by the light walls, surrounded by the dark vignetting at the edges.

This probably is not an image that my clients would find particularly outstanding, but it part of what makes the job rewarding for me. Weddings, especially with so many people in dark suites and white dresses, have a lot contrast to play with.

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