Wednesday, March 7

Speaking of Photo Awards...

The 2006 POY's have been announced. For those of you less familiar with the photojournalism world, a POY is a picture of the year, and they are usually pretty amazing. All us photojournalists salivate over seeing all the great images created over the past year.

This years POYs have been good to former Colorado photogs. Check out the magazine photographer of the year Christopher Anderson. He once worked up at the Longmont Times Call here in Colorado. I was lucky enough to pass through the Longmont Times-Call a few years after him. Although it is not the most well known newspaper, the TC fostered an excellent photo culture. Another former TC shooter, Tomas Van Houtryve, took home an award of excellence.

CAUTION: violent images.

Tomas and I went through the same program up at CU boulder. He was a few years ahead of me, so we never met. The program up at CU is pretty small, and so it is a tight nit group and we have a lot more freedom to be independent. He is actually an extremely talented shooter, and I think his best work is on his website, definetly check out his site if your into high-quality PJ.

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